Privacy Policy

We take great care to ensure that your personal information is secure and cannot be accessed by third-parties or shared with anyone outside our law firm. While cookies are used to provide certain advantages, we do not use them in a way that would invade your personal space or compromise your private data. Our goal is to provide you with the assurance that any information collected through our website will be handled responsibly and securely. Please review this privacy policy for more information.


What We Collect from Website Users

When you access our website, we will learn certain information about you during your visit. How we will handle that information we learn about you is dependent upon what you do when visiting our site.

If you visit our website to read or download information on our website pages, we collect and store the following data (all data is anonymized):

  1. What pages are viewed on the website.
  2. Time spent on the website.
  3. Interaction with the website.
  4. The date and time of website visit.
  5. Any other standard data recorded through Google Analytics.

If you identify yourself by sending us an e-mail containing personal information, then the information you sent will be collected solely to use in response to your message.

How We Use the Information

The information we collect is used for statistical purposes. We use software programs to create summary statistics, which are used for purposes such as: assessing the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.

We may keep and use the information collected as necessary to comply with any legal obligations, or for any other legal purpose.

We will not disclose any personal information collected except to comply with applicable law or valid legal process or to protect the personal safety of our users or the public.

We will not sell, share, or otherwise disclose your personal information collected online without your express permission.

The Use of Cookies

Cookies have become an integral part of browsing the internet, yet many do not fully understand their purpose. Essentially, cookies are small text files that are stored on a user's device when they visit a website. They are responsible for keeping track of a user's browsing behavior, preferences and login information.

We may use cookies or other types of persistent identifiers to enhance your experience and gather information about visitors and visits to or usage of our website.

Third-Party Links

Our Privacy Policy applies only to the information collected through our website - not third-party websites that we may choose to include on our website, as a convenience and aid to our user experience. All third-party websites have their own separate privacy policies that we do not have any control or rights over. Therefore, we do not have any responsibility or liability for the content and activities of any linked sites or your own activities conducted through them. However, we always are looking to protect the integrity of our website and we welcome your feedback, if any, about the third-party linked websites.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

If you are a resident of the European Union, you may be entitled to ask us for any information about you that we have. You can also ask us to change any mistakes in this information or delete it. You may also be able to ask us not to use the information, under certain conditions, or to transfer the information to another organization or directly to you. If this applies to you and you want to exercise these rights, please reach out by using the contact information located at the bottom of this page. We will answer your request within one month.

Right to Update and Revise

We reserve the right to update and revise this Privacy Policy, especially in light of the rapidly changing technologies on the Internet. We will post all revisions here to this page. We recommend you to review this Privacy Policy on a frequent basis.

Contacting Us with Any Questions or Concerns Regarding This Privacy Policy

We understand the importance of privacy and the need for transparency when it comes to our practices. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy. You can rest assured that we take your privacy seriously and value your feedback.

Our contact information: