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How many points is a speeding ticket in GA under 21?
This blog post will explain the consequences of having this record on your driving license, including how many points will be assigned to it.

What happens if you get a speeding ticket in Georgia?
If you get pulled over for speeding in Georgia, here are some steps you can take to move forward. Learn why it happened and how to take action against it.

Can you argue a speeding ticket?
Can you get out of having to pay a speeding ticket fine or have it on your record? The short answer is yes. Let’s look at what you could do and shouldn’t do.

Can you go to jail for speeding?
What do you need to know about getting arrested when pulled over in Georgia? If convicted of speeding, does that result in going to jail?

What is the best defense for a speeding ticket?
There are several strategies that could work in defending yourself from a traffic violation, providing the vital difference between going to court or having the charges dismissed entirely.

How often do people get caught speeding?
Do you ever wonder how often people actually get caught speeding in Georgia? We’ll look at that and discuss tips for legally avoiding speeding violations.