Legal Disclaimer

Please note the following legal disclaimer about our website.


No Attorney-Client Relationship Created by Using the Website

As you navigate through our website, it is important to understand that your use of our platform does not create an attorney-client relationship. While we offer a wealth of informative resources and tools to assist you in your legal matters, the transmission and receipt of information through our website does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Any communication via our platform is not privileged or confidential, and does not establish an obligation on the part of our attorneys to provide legal representation. You will only become a client if and when you sign a contract setting forth the details of any representation, pay all fees associated with any representation, and all other relevant items. Simply using this website or communicating with us about your case does not form an attorney-client relationship.

Do Not Submit Confidential Information Through the Website

Do not use this website to tell the our firm any information about your legal matters. Keep it private - we are not your attorney unless we have a signed agreement and appropriate payment. Using this website does not mean you are a client or that you want to be a client of the firm. If you have important information to us and want to see what it takes to become our client, reach out and talk to us either in person or over the phone. Do not use any forms on this website or send an email with any confidential or important information without first being asked.

Warning that the Website Content Is Not Legal Advice

It is very important to note that the content on our website is not intended to serve as legal advice. This website has information about laws and legal issues, and it can be useful for informational purposes to help you learn more about the law. The materials are only to give you information. They might not be up-to-date on the latest laws, and they are not legal advice. The information given should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. It is meant to give you more information, not legal advice. If you have any inquiries regarding particular legal matters, it is essential to contact a law firm licensed in your area for specific advice on your matter.

No Guarantee of Results in Testimonials and/or Past Case Outcomes Posted on the Website

There is no guarantee of similar results when it comes to testimonials and past case outcomes posted on our website. While these stories can serve as helpful examples of what our law firm is capable of achieving, they should not be taken as a guarantee of future success. Many factors such as individual circumstances, the jurisdiction where your case is in, and changes in the law can greatly impact the outcome of a case. Therefore, we are unable to and cannot offer any guaranteed positive (or negative) result in any particular case. No attorney can. Any past results or outcomes achieved by us or any other attorneys can in no way guarantee a similar outcome.

The Website Is an Advertisement for Legal Services

This website could be considered as an advertisement for legal services in certain jurisdictions. To the extent that it is, this is your notice that this website is an advertisement for legal services. It is very important to decide on your own if you need a lawyer and to then pick the right one. Do not just pick someone because of an ad or because they say they are good. By this website being here, it is not meant to be inferred that the quality of our legal services surpasses those provided by other attorneys.

Links to Third Party Websites

To make it easier for you, this website provides links to multiple external websites. However, these third-party sites are not under the control of our company and we cannot guarantee that their content is accurate or up-to-date.


In conclusion, it’s important to keep in mind the purpose of this website: to provide information about local laws and about the legal services provided by our firm. Please visit our website or other links at your own discretion, but remember that neither use of our site nor any link thereto provides an attorney-client relationship between you and our firm or any of its individual attorneys. Moreover, while we strive to offer useful information on our website and other third party sites we may reference, we make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of such content. Therefore, when it comes to legal advice about traffic tickets in Georgia, the best plan is still to confer with a lawyer directly who can provide the tailored advice that’s needed for each case.