How many points is a speeding ticket in GA under 21?
Are you under 21 and have recently gotten a speeding ticket in Georgia? This blog post will explain the consequences of having this record on your driving license, including how many points will be assigned to it. Understanding these implications is key to understanding the significance of such an offense for young drivers in Georgia. We’ll dive into the details behind speeding tickets for those aged below 21 and how they can affect your privileges as a driver in this state. With knowledge comes power – read on if you want to learn more!
Overview of traffic ticket legislation for drivers under 21 in Georgia
Traffic ticket legislation for drivers under 21 in Georgia is a complex topic that requires attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the law. In Georgia, drivers under the age of 21 are subject to strict penalties if they are convicted of certain, high-point driving offenses. According to Georgia law, if anyone under the age of 21 gets 4 or more points for a single traffic offense, their license will be automatically suspended. This suspension lasts at least 6 months and the driver must take a Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) defensive driving course and pay $210 reinstatement fee in order to get their license back.
Additionally, the following offense will result in a mandatory license suspension for drivers under the age of 21, upon conviction:
- Hit and Run or Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- Racing on Highways or Streets
- Using a Motor Vehicle in Fleeing or Attempting to Elude the Police
- Reckless Driving
- Driving Under the Influence
For drivers under the age of 18, getting 4 points or more in a 12 month period results in a 6 month suspension of their license.
It is important for young drivers to be aware of these laws in order to avoid the potential consequences that come with breaking them. By staying informed and obeying traffic laws, young drivers can help ensure safe and responsible driving on Georgia’s roads.
Consequences of a speeding conviction for under 21 drivers
For drivers under 21 years of age, being convicted of speeding can have serious consequences. Not only can it result in fines and points on your license, but it can also lead to increased insurance rates and even license suspension. A conviction for a speeding ticket is a misdemeanor in Georgia and carries a maximum fine of $1,000 and possible jail time of up to 12 months. For young drivers, it is not uncommon for courts to require a defensive driving or teen victim impact panel course to be taken as part of a speeding conviction.
Points for speeding tickets are assessed based upon how fast over the speed limit you were going. And under 21 drivers are stuck with this point level, as they do not have the ability to plead “no contest” (or “nolo contendere”) to avoid having points assessed, unlike drivers 21 and older who can do so once every 5 years for moving violations. These points are as follows:
- 14 mph or less over the posted speed limit = 0 points.
- 15 to 18 mph over = 2 points.
- 19 to 23 mph over = 3 points.
- 24 to 33 mph over = 4 points.
- 34 mph or more over = 6 points.
As we saw earlier, if anyone under 21 gets 4 or more points assessed on a single traffic ticket conviction, their license is suspended for at least 6 months. That means that a conviction for going 24 mph or greater over the speed limit will result in automatic license suspension for the under 21 year old driver. Not to mention the steep fines and potential classes or community service required by the court.
Additionally, a speeding conviction can impact job opportunities that require a clean driving record, and can tarnish one’s reputation within their community. It’s important for young drivers to understand the gravity of their actions behind the wheel, and to prioritize safety over the rush to get where they want to be. By adhering to speed limits and other traffic laws, young drivers can avoid the negative consequences of a speeding conviction and keep themselves and others safe on the road.
Tips on how to avoid getting a speeding ticket in Georgia if you are under 21 years old
Driving can be an exhilarating experience, but it comes with its own set of rules and regulations. If you are under 21 and driving in Georgia, it is important to be aware of the state’s strict speed limit laws for younger drivers. To avoid getting a speeding ticket, one of the most important things you can do is to adhere to the posted speed limits at all times. Make sure to leave early if you are going to a place you are not familiar with, or if there is normally a lot of traffic during that time of day. Additionally, be aware of your surroundings, and pay attention to signs and signals that may indicate a change in speed limit or other potential hazards on the road. It is also a good idea to avoid distractions while driving, such as texting or talking on the phone, as these activities can take your attention away from the road and put you at risk for a ticket or even an accident. By staying focused, aware, and alert, you can help keep yourself safe on the road and avoid getting a speeding ticket in Georgia.
To Sum It Up
In conclusion, speeding is a serious offense for drivers under the age of 21 in Georgia. The consequences for a conviction can be severe—especially when points are added to the young driver’s license. It’s important for those in this age group to understand that avoiding any type of traffic citation by following the speed limit and obeying all other driving laws will ensure their safety on the roads and help them avoid legal trouble. All young drivers should consider defensive driving techniques and seek out refresher courses so they can maintain an updated knowledge of traffic laws. By used these tactics, they’ll be able to avoid being punished with additional fines or points on their license, giving them every opportunity to stay within the law.